To give the mundane its beautiful view

John Updike died January 27th at 76. Middle class life, 2 Pulitzers for novels and engaging short stories. His article The Writer in Winter is, if not exuberantly pro-aging, respectful of its wisdom. Luckily, painters often do their best work during this time.


And a poem by Wendell M Tomlin, Jr that speaks of the day’s loss. Tomlin lives in a cabin near Lake Norman, in North Carolina.

In Memoriam

You knew our names and called them out as

clearing as a beloved’s.

You summoned our brightest beats from their hiding spaces;

you held them up to view 

with untrimmed delight.


We will build a fire

in the center of the night

in the middle of a river

that you not mistake us

standing alone one by one

yearning toward the sound

of your voice, gone now

but still wrapped around us, 

proof against the chill.

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